Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strawberry Perfection

A perfectly ripe strawberry is a beautiful experience. The moment the red fruit enters the mouth, the sweet, tangy sensations are heavenly.  My english class at College of Alameda had a potluck on Tuesday, and I brought strawberries fresh from the Webster St. farmer's market. People in my class kept asking who brought them and remarking how sweet they were. I couldn't agree more. It seems as though, so far this May, local strawberries have been incredible.

Speaking of strawberries... The strawberry plants in our backyard have been busy turning the sun and rain we've had into delicate little berries.  I say delicate because if there were a strawberry sizing scale, these would be on the petite end of it.


  1. Yum. I love the way Olive is looking at them, as though she just might like a little taste, too.

  2. They may be small but you are fortunate to get that many and so ripe. I always seem to loose the race to get them ripe. The darn slugs are relentless and overwhelming my yard.
